Monday, March 5, 2007

post-Hong Kong blues

It's been almost two weeks since I arrived home from the Kong and a few people were asking me why I haven't put anything into the bilog blog about it. Frankly, it's because I was too lazy and too busy having fun and exploring the place to blog about it and after I came home, it hurt to think of the place too much so I busied myself with other pursuits.
Yes, I fell in love with the damn place. Hong Kong is wonderful! The tourist and commuter friendly city with its clean streets, efficient transport system (trams, double decker buses and MTR trains), and tourist traps like the Peak, street markets, museums, and Ocean Park made me wish I was one of the rude, English-torturing, dollar-worshiping Chinese living there. Unfortunately, the 14-day visitor limit, a rapidly shrinking wallet, and a mother who by then was demanding I come home eventually forced me to leave. The last few moments at the large (huge!) Hong Kong International airport were some of the saddest in my life. The plane ride was no fun either even though I met an older but still pretty woman.
So now here I am back in Manila, but resolved to go back to this place of many delights but difficult to understand English. As soon as possible, when enough money is available to me, I will go back. I still have a lot of new places to go to and places to re-visit.

And I'm inviting you, Constant Readers to come with me. How does an October trip sound? Not hot like in March-May, but not freezing like in January and February (My only complaint while I was there. T*ng*na! Ang lamig!!).

(I will soon put up a photoblog of my eleven day odyssey as soon as I learn how to use the features of blogspot. Asa pa kayo na ilalagay ko sa friendster mga pics ko.)