Sunday, August 26, 2007


I found myself switching channels today between the Formula 1 Turkish Grand Prix and Star Movies which was showing the movie Herbie Fully Loaded. Featured in this movie was a sentient VW Beetle (no not Bumblebee!) and Lindsay Lohan with her "two best friends." Much as I love LiLo's thingies, I love the VW Bug more. Our old car before we moved to Manila was a grey-blue VW Beetle which we called "Ocho." We left Ocho when we moved here to Manila and last I heard, the poor thing was headed to a junk yard after a really bad accident. I think my mom actually cried over it.

As such, I have added restoring a vintage VW bug and naming it Ocho II to my list of crap I'm going to do before I die from a stroke or a heart attack at the age of 55. It's number 67.

I think Lindsay Lohan looked hot in the movie. This was the the movie where she was still fresh and sexy. However, she's a train wreck now. It's amazing how she went from this:

To this:


Awww, who am I kidding? Just clean her up and I'd still do "evil" things to her.

THE JP Update - August 2007.

Hello Constant Reader! It's been a long long while since I updated this blog. As I said before, nothing much has been happening in my life and I don't have anything worth writing about. My life is still the same; wake up in the morning, screw around at home or study for USMLE or go to the clinic if I have clinic that day. PrOn, TV, internet, youtube, friendster, webcomics complete my days.

I don't go out much too. The last movie I saw was the Simpsons Movie which for me, since I'm a fan, is one hell of a good movie. 4 out of 5 stars! And before that, I saw the supreme awesomeness of The Transformers and realized I was never going to watch those old 80s cartoons ever again.

Career-wise, I'm still stuck in the GP rut but hopefully, in a few months, I start residency and while this would mean a more stressful life and a lot less bilog blog posts, it would also be the formal start of my medical career. I'm also studying for my US medical licensure exam (USMLE) so I can leave (temporarily) this place.

Personal life? Still non-existent. Go f*ck yourself. Huhuhuhu.... (weeps in the corner.)