Sunday, January 28, 2007

Another rant against conyos. Envy makes me creative.

I really hate it when people talk about "following their passion." There was this article I read many weeks ago in the uber-conyotic section of the Inquirer (Saturday SUPER!) about this conyo dude who said that he shifted from architecture to film because he wanted to follow his passion. My reaction to what he said was a laugh and the thought, "Ulol. Sino niloloko mo?! Nahirapan ka lang sa archi. Hahahahaha!!! F*cking conyo."
Using the term "passion" when describing your hobby, job, vocation, or sexual perversion is such a pompous thing to do. Dude, we get it, okay?! We can see from the way you rub your crotch against street signs that you love doing it. But please stop talking about it.
This rant was brought about by the situation of somebody I know. She had just passed the UPCAT but didn't get into the BS Nursing program. Instead, she was accepted to the College of Pharmacy and to the College of Engineering. Now, she's under a lot of pressure from her parents to just stay in their province and enroll in a local college as a nursing major. Kawawa naman. She wants to study in UP. Too bad her family's not rich enough for her to follow her passion.

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