Thursday, April 17, 2008

Colonoscopies and laminectomies - hour 9 of the 24 hour duty that sucks

Actually, just one of both, but the plural forms sounded better as a title.

I had just finished informing the anesthesiologist and internist (for clearance) for a patient who was admitted a few hours ago. She's going to undergo a laminectomy tomorrow at 7:30 AM. I also did the IV insertion thing for her and did the history and PE for the chart (which nobody actually reads.) Also, a patient who's undergoing work-up* for chronic diarrhea is getting a colonoscopy tomorrow at another hospital. I called up a gastrointestinal specialist-guy at another hospital to fix it up for tomorrow. Then I informed the attending MD that the procedure she wanted had been arranged. I also had to explain to the patient himself about what was going to happen to him tomorrow. (Sir, you're going to get butt-f*cked tomorrow, and guess what, you're paying for it! Mwahahahaha!)

So now, I'm free! No more pesky procedures to do or patients to explain stuff to. Yay.

Damn, I'm bored.

*work up - The doctors don't know what's wrong with you so we're going to do diagnostic tests until we make tsamba on a diagnosis.

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